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When Morgan Freeman played Hoke Colburn in 'Driving Miss Daisy,' we saw a glimpse of the man who would become the legend we know and love today.


Virtuoso performances like Ellis “Red” Redding in the epic movie 'The Shawshank Redemption' and Detective Lieutenant William Somerset in 'Seven' catapulted him to the very top of the A list actors of our generation.


His distinctive features make him one of the most popular choices for thousands of artists, like me.


For this portrait, I made thousands of tiny marks and hundreds of layers to try and capture the incredible depth in his character. His kindness and wisdom lends itself seamlessly to my paint brush.


Original Artwork: £24,995.00

Available as high quality canvas, framed print, or print only*

Morgan Freeman

  • Due to the different styles of art work & depending on the image selected the total frame size might be slightly adjusted so you do not lose the original quality of the print.


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